Filter not found?

If we do not have your filter in our offer, we offer a special service.

1. Choose one of the filter types below, which fits your filter and fill out the form as completely as possible. Fields marked with * are mandatory.

2. We check the procurement of the filter and see if we can offer it cheaper than usual in the market. This usually takes 2-4 days. As soon as we know more, we will contact you by mail.


. In the future, you will find this filter in our online store and can be ordered easily, at any time.*

*not included in the assortment are custom-made products, filters for rebuilt devices, special solutions, etc.

Please select a filter type:

This is not an order! With this form you send us an inquiry to your searched filter. We will contact you as soon as possible with an offer. The more detailed your request, the easier and faster it will be for us to process it. If the data provided is not sufficient for an offer, we will contact you.

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Order also possible without registration

Excellent quality according to EN779 and ISO16890